
Journal# April.13rd Etc...

This is the picture which I took near Aoyama Gakuin University in Aoyama. It is sunny today and it is warm so I feel spring. April. I'm sleepy now because I had a lunch. Yesterday, it is so cold that I can not stood out stil. During the lunch time, my friends and I ate bread and noodles. I will attend four classes. These classes are Integrated EnglishⅢ, Nichijouseikatsunosuuri, in English, a mathematical principle of our daily life and an outline of American literature.

Mr.C.Richardson's story was exciting. In the class of a mathematical principle of our daily life, there are too many students so I can't sit down. By the way, have you ever took Tyuuou line? I take it everyday, this line often stop bexause of accidents that some people are hit by the train. From last night to this morning, there are three accidents. So mu father could not came home. When I try to go to school although Tyuo line run but it was overdue. I feel ease as I am in the class in time!

I feel very busy these days. But I am happy! I dicided to achieve three aims. I would like to do every thing early when I try to do something like responce to E-mail which ie sent from my friends, homework, and housework. Second,I economize on cost of daily food. Third, I would like to save money. So I must do part-time job very hard.

I want to dye my hair black although my hair is black.

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