
Journal# April 16th. Please draw the door from your belongings...

Today, when I left home to Kokubunji station in a hurry as I do every day, Tyuo line delayed. So when train arrived at Hachioji station, I hastened to go to plat home 6 because I wanted to took the Yokhama train from Hachioji to Fuchinobe. Although I ran, Yokohama line also delayed today and this was unlikely to happen. So conductor of the Yokohama train was in a bind. Then, he said, "Please draw the door from your belongings not to catch." After this,I laughed. You know, he had to say "Please draw your belongings from the door not to catch.", however, because he was in a hurry, he he made a mistake.
When I arrived at Fuchinobe station, because the train was delayed, my friends also took same train so we went to the class room, Integrated English listening class, together. When I arrived at Fuchinobe station, I was very surprised at seeing the electric bulletin board. It was only 2 degree. It was so cold that could not put up with. May be, I think April is spring. Today, it is April 16th. So it was too cold. I want spring to come soon!!!!!!

After school, I managed to work at Mos Burger shop five hours without rest. Today, I had a strong stomachache but I stand that pain. When I went home, it was snowy so I was surprised at seeing snow.

Today, Mr. Sugiyama, like a brother quit. I was very sad. Although I decided not to cry when I talk with Mr. Sugiyama, in fact, I cried. I respect him very much. He always is kind even though customer visit one after another so he was very busy. I will miss him after he quit Mos Burger.

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