
Journal# April 22nd. Quadruplets....

These days, I often cry when I listen to music about love. Then, lyrics and melody make me sad. And I believe love is good. Actually, I cried yesterday when I was being a mixer. A mixer is a person who switches music and let listeners listen songs when a DJ speaks. Fortunately, I did not make any mistake. Sometimes, I feel lonely although I live with my family. By the way, it is very cold. It is the just season people feel lonely. Those who live in Japan call this season “人肌恋しい季節”. This word means when it is cold, one feels lonely.

Today, I met Shiori!!! She is my friend in Aoyama Gakuin University. Last year, I took the examination, TOEFL, I was waiting for the time I could enter class room. Then, I ran across her. After the test, we talked, had lunch, and went home together. I am very shy. However, that time, situation was different a little. We socialized each other soon. We talked a lot. Although Shiori and I are different class, we go out and go shopping sometimes. Today, we went to Machida to eat dinner. We went to Modi which was sweets paradise. Do you know Sweets Paradise? There are many foods, drinks, and desserts and customers can eat freely. It cost us only 1400yen!!! Wow!!!!!!! Eating them, we talked a lot of thngs about classes, friends, love. I had a very good time. Foods and desserts were all delicious. These days, I only talk each other about love.

This is the picture which is called pricra. pricra is the word Print Club for short. We took this picture on November 3rd. On November 3th, our college, Aoyama Gakuin University had the festival which is called "Aoyama-sai". In English, Aoyama-festival.

By the way, have you ever heard this story? When three people are taken pictures, the person who is taken the middle of pictre is likely to die soon. This is a superstition in Japan. In this picture, I am taken in middle of nine people. This is quadrple BINGO!!! Wow!! But I do not want to die!!!

From today, I use hard contact lenses although until yesterday I used soft contact lenses. I can see very clearly!! When I was a high school student, I have 2.0, eye sight. So I wonder how I could see at that time.

Now, I love lady GAGA! Her voice makes me happy(*´`*) I listen to music especially LADY GAGA these days!!

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