
Journal# April 17th. I talked with...

We, Aoyama Announcement Society had a ceremony to welcome the students who decided to join our club today. One of the students was my acpuitante. When I was a junior high school student and elementary school student, we went to same school. I hardly dreamed of seeing her again, so I feel very happy.

When we did our club activities the idea came upon me. I usually do DJ. Today, I also practice free talk and introduction of songs. Then, I thought if the chance that I do my DJ is, I would like to talk about “negative”. “Why people think about something by negative way?”, “The influence of negative thinking on us.?”,“Is it a good thig that we think about something by negative way?”, “ Which is better, positive thinking or negative thinking?” and so on. When I do DJ, I always talk about love, so I think that I should talk of other theme.

After our practice and the ceremony, we went to go a restaurant in Shibuya. Since the restaurant was far from Aoyama University Campus, we had to walk for a long time. Then, I talked my friends while we were walking. The dinner was very good so we said “Wow! it is delicious!” again and again. We also talk about ourselves. For example, name, hobby,love, favourite songs, favourite artists, and so on. We had very good time.

After the dinner, we talked more in front of the mark city building. I talked with my senior. I respect and line very much my senior. Their thinking is great for me.

I went home with one of my friends and we talked each other about love. I thought that the most important thing was feeling that people loved each other. When it was about 23:30, as last train almost nearly left, we said good bye.

After seeing my friend, I went to the Mos Burger which I work at. Then, there was a person in the office, we talkd about each other about one hour. I love people who work at Mos Burger in Kokubunji. They are very kind to me. So I would like to continue to work at this shop!!!

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