
Journal# April 15th.

These days, it is so cold that I can not go out and get up. Today, since I couldn't sleep very well yesterday, I feel more sleepy this morning. As a result, I got up very late and I had to prepare to go to college. I chose clothes to wear in a hurry. When I left home, I thought I made a mistake. It is so cold that I couldn't put up with being out.

I had an appointment that I would meet Chizuru who is one of my friend at 10:40. But when I arrived at Kokubunji staion, Tyuo line trains were late about twenty minutes so I asked Chizuru to go to college.

Last year, I attended Integrated English writing class. Our teachers were Mario Nagatani and the Japanese woman. Both of teachers were Japanese. But this year, our teacher is James Broad bridge. He was from United Kingdom. Wow!!!!! I was very surprised at seeing him because he was sooooooo cool and handsome!!!!When he asked us “Do you have any questions?”, many people raised their hands and they asked James one after another. For example,“Do you have the lover?”“Where do you live?”We were very surprised at the answer how old he is. Then, he said to me“Oh, younger? Or older?” So I said to him yook so young!” Then, “What's your name?” he said, I answered “Michiko.”he said “Oh, Michiko! Your grade is A!!!!” We all laughed. He says that he wrote on the desk “A
” with his choke!!

This year, I am happy because my all English teachers are great people\(^^)/ So I will do my best!

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