
Journal# April 23rd. Bluff..

It is Friday today, so I had to get up six o'clock and leave my home at seven thirty. A period one, I have the class, Integrated English Listening. I must go this class not to be late. A period two, I have the class Study of Culture in Human. I was surprised at the contents in this class, I wonder how I study for the examination. Haha... Today, I had two salads for lunch and dinner. I'm fear I feel hungry as I have to go to work, part-time job.

Anyway, I want to dye my hair. Now, although I do not dye, my hair is brown. So, I want to dye my hair Black or green!

Journal# April 22nd. Quadruplets....

These days, I often cry when I listen to music about love. Then, lyrics and melody make me sad. And I believe love is good. Actually, I cried yesterday when I was being a mixer. A mixer is a person who switches music and let listeners listen songs when a DJ speaks. Fortunately, I did not make any mistake. Sometimes, I feel lonely although I live with my family. By the way, it is very cold. It is the just season people feel lonely. Those who live in Japan call this season “人肌恋しい季節”. This word means when it is cold, one feels lonely.

Today, I met Shiori!!! She is my friend in Aoyama Gakuin University. Last year, I took the examination, TOEFL, I was waiting for the time I could enter class room. Then, I ran across her. After the test, we talked, had lunch, and went home together. I am very shy. However, that time, situation was different a little. We socialized each other soon. We talked a lot. Although Shiori and I are different class, we go out and go shopping sometimes. Today, we went to Machida to eat dinner. We went to Modi which was sweets paradise. Do you know Sweets Paradise? There are many foods, drinks, and desserts and customers can eat freely. It cost us only 1400yen!!! Wow!!!!!!! Eating them, we talked a lot of thngs about classes, friends, love. I had a very good time. Foods and desserts were all delicious. These days, I only talk each other about love.

This is the picture which is called pricra. pricra is the word Print Club for short. We took this picture on November 3rd. On November 3th, our college, Aoyama Gakuin University had the festival which is called "Aoyama-sai". In English, Aoyama-festival.

By the way, have you ever heard this story? When three people are taken pictures, the person who is taken the middle of pictre is likely to die soon. This is a superstition in Japan. In this picture, I am taken in middle of nine people. This is quadrple BINGO!!! Wow!! But I do not want to die!!!

From today, I use hard contact lenses although until yesterday I used soft contact lenses. I can see very clearly!! When I was a high school student, I have 2.0, eye sight. So I wonder how I could see at that time.

Now, I love lady GAGA! Her voice makes me happy(*´`*) I listen to music especially LADY GAGA these days!!


Journal# April 21st. Happy Set...

Today, as I challenged amikomi which is hair style, my friends asked me " What happened to you? Do you have a special event today?" . Actually, I did that for some reason, I feel embarrassment. But when I was a high school student in Fukuoka, I changed my hair style every day. Yes, EVERY DAY!!! At that time one of the my friends introduce every one "she changes her hair style everyday."

Anyway, I have no class today, I go to the Mitsubisi Tokyo UFJ bank to transfer my school educational expenses. I was so careful not to have my bag snatched on the street. Today, I carried one million yen. So I was nervous a little.

Since I feel hungry, I had a lunch at MacDonald in Kokubunji. Since I had a discount thicket, I decided ask Happy set. This is for kids so when one asks this set, one can get a toy. When clerk in the shop ask " Which toys do you want?" I don't mind getting anything so I answered " No5, please." Then, the clerk said to me, "We are very sorry but now, you can choose No.1 to No.3. You can not choose No.5. So please choose again." I was so embarrassed because I must be seemed a person who really want the toy.

By the way, do you know what is this in the picture? This is a DJ licence card!!! This card seems having function of credits. But in fact, it does not have. In March, I have a test about DJ, and I have passed the examination, I could get this card!!!! Yeah!

It's Wednesday so I practice DJ, free talk etc in Aoyama Gakuin University's campus in Shibuya. My club, Aoyama Announcement Society do our activities on Wednesday and Saturday. Today, I did mixer without any practice. Mixer is a person who adjust BGM or the volume of music when a DJ is speaking. Fortunately, I did not make any mistakes. So I feel ease. By June, I had to do DJ about Music Album. I haven't made up my mind which music album I introduce yet.

Today, three students join Aoyama Announcement Society!! So I was so excited! Fut her more, one of them would like to be an announcer!!! As I also want to be an announcer, I will do my best!!

When I came home with my friends, we are presented Red Bull. It is a kind if drink. Although I drink it for the first time, it's taste very good. Yoshino and I ate a cream puff in Shibuya. It's very very delicious!!! We take Inokashira train Shibuya to Kichijoji. These days, I am very surprised at Tyuo line because it is always delayed. After I arrived at Kokubunji Station, I bought hard contact lenses and Music album. I bought aiko's album. I like her, her voice, her lyrics, her songs and her melody very much. Please do listen her songs!!!!!!!!!!!!


Journal# April 20th. Confidence and Force...

This is a very beautiful picture,isn't it? When I watch this picture, the picture reminded me of United Kingdom and I miss that country very much. This picture give me courage whenever I see. Yesterday, I slept very late. It was about 4 o'clock. So I was very sleeeeeeeepy! Last night, I talked with one of my friend and I cried. I am ablubberer but these days, especially I cry. I would like to be a strong person. Today, I saw this picture when I was feeling depressed and I was given this picture energy.

I should have got up early and I had to read the novel in English. But last night I went to bed so late and I could not get up early. I thought that i would like to do my best for IE class this year!!!! Last year, as for the first time everything I studied and did, there are many thing I could not do with all my energies. So this year, I want to do! I kept my diary every day in Japanese. So now, I translate my diary in English.I really want great grades this year. On the contrary, last year, I really want credit. Getting great grades, for example, AA or A is my aim.

Today, I have four classes, two hours Integrated English Core, a mathematical principle of our daily life, and an outline of American literature. last week, in the class, a mathematical principle of our daily life, there are many students so I could not sit down. About thirty students could not sit down. But today, there are more students than last week. Surprisingly, over two hundred students were in the class!! So the teacher was confused and he got angry. Then he said, "If you were absent last week, please go out this class! Many people come to this lass so that I can't handle with your grade!!!"However, no one went out the room. So he changed the room D214 to E101. E101 is very big room. Although the students who came to the class could sit down, many people were noisy, so the professor got angry and he shout again and again. I think people should not or must not speak when they attend the class because the students who go to the class in earnest can not hear the professor's voice. In this class, I was excited and I remembered mathematics and my high school hood.
Five period, I attend the class, the outline of American literature. I like this class very much and i respect the professor. Professor explain about the outline of American literature very fast but he never bites his tongue!! My dream is to be an announcer so I practice tongue twister every day. However, I could not speak so fast like the professor. He speak very fast not only Japanese but also English. I want to know how to speak so fast. In this class, although the teacher speak so fast, he does not distribute any paper, so we, the students attend this class, have to write down what the professor said. But I enjoy since I feel a sense of accomplishment. The title of this diary is the just one which I really want now. Am I a rapacity as I want two?

Journal# April 19th. walking...

Today, it is bad bad day for me. May be,the bull and blood type A had bad fates.

I had to pay two million yen as the cost of studying in Aoyama Gakuin University. Although I went to the post office near my house, a clerk said to me "You can not draw one million because this account is your father's. If you have a letter of attorney, you can draw the money." Of course, you know, I did not have a letter of attorney, so I understood that I could not draw. Hahaha!!!That's a pity! Yes I think so. then, I asked a clerk whether there are ways that I can draw the money. The clerk answered if you know the identification number, you can draw money with ATM. Although I am free today, because I would be busy this week, I would like to draw money. So I use ATM. Unfortunately, I made a mistake. The number which I typed was wrong so I was locked by ATM. I saw I was sooooooooooooooo stupid!!!

Then, I went to the Hitomi Ganka Clinic. It is a hospital especially eyes. The doctor measured my eye sight again and again. So I feel strange. I was told unbelievable thing. The doctor said, " I regret to say that but.... We can not measure your eye sight. Your right eye is a cornea astigmatism. This is an unusual case. If your contact lenses will be changed, you can not see or recognize around you. So I made hard contact lenses. I used soft contact lenses until now. For the first time when I put hard contact lenses in my eyes, I could not put up with the pain and I could not open my eyes because of pain. However, about twenty minutes has passed, I could open my eyes. This hard contact lenses cost me thirty thousand yen. It is too expensive for me but if I don't buy hard contact lenses, I would be very confused so I bought. These days, I had to pay the cost which my junior eat and drink and I have to buy textbooks. So I have no money...

Tomorrow, I have a class from two hour, I am very happy. When I have a class from one hour, I need to leave my house very early and I could not sit down the seat in the train. So I like a class which starts two period. I'll do my best!


Journal# April 18th. Hot Maccha Latte...

Last night, as I went back home and slept very late, I feel very tired this morning. I got up eight o'clock. then, I ate a breakfast in a hurry and I prepared to go out.

Now,my eye sight is very weak. When I was a highschool student, especially I was seventeen years old, my eye sight was very strong so my friends often envied me. However, within a year, my eye sight got very weak. At that time, I was called by the doctor in school. He said to me, " Your eye sight gets weak sudedenly. Let me see... Do you have something in mind?" But I answered, "No, nothing. I want to know why my eye sight become weak unexpectedly. Three years has passed since then, my sight gets weak more and more.

I bought contact lenses about three months ago. But since my eye sight got more weak than then, I could not see scenary and recognize my friends or my family. So I thought that I should go to the shop of contact lenses to let me change my contact lenses. I was told by the clerk of the shop, "If you feel your contact lenses don't work well, you can change your contact lenses no charge if it happened within three months since you bought it." So I had to go this shop by April 21th!!!!!!!!!!! However, I went to actually, the clerk of the shop said to me, " We are sorry but you need a medicalcertificate." So I could not change contactlenses. Wow!!! I was very shocked. I have to go tnot only the shop but eye hospital.

Then, I went to Dotour coffee shop and buy two hot maccha lattes. I took out them. After that, I went to other shop to buy cosmetics. When I came back home, my old sister was cooking a pizza. We ate it with us drinking hot mavvha latte.

Tomollow is holiday! Yeah!!!! So I want to do every thing for example, home work, cleaning, going to eye hospital etc... These days I feel uncomfortable because I thought about some thing which I always be troubled. So I would like to be busy not to think of deeply.

Journal# Our school trip to London

This is the picture when I was a high school student. Our school trip is United Kingdom. We stayed there about one week. When we arrived in London, it was after noon although in Japan, it was mid night. We said each other “I'm sleepy.” But we were very moved at the sight, history, people in United Kingdom, so I really want to go England again some day.

Journal# April 17th. I talked with...

We, Aoyama Announcement Society had a ceremony to welcome the students who decided to join our club today. One of the students was my acpuitante. When I was a junior high school student and elementary school student, we went to same school. I hardly dreamed of seeing her again, so I feel very happy.

When we did our club activities the idea came upon me. I usually do DJ. Today, I also practice free talk and introduction of songs. Then, I thought if the chance that I do my DJ is, I would like to talk about “negative”. “Why people think about something by negative way?”, “The influence of negative thinking on us.?”,“Is it a good thig that we think about something by negative way?”, “ Which is better, positive thinking or negative thinking?” and so on. When I do DJ, I always talk about love, so I think that I should talk of other theme.

After our practice and the ceremony, we went to go a restaurant in Shibuya. Since the restaurant was far from Aoyama University Campus, we had to walk for a long time. Then, I talked my friends while we were walking. The dinner was very good so we said “Wow! it is delicious!” again and again. We also talk about ourselves. For example, name, hobby,love, favourite songs, favourite artists, and so on. We had very good time.

After the dinner, we talked more in front of the mark city building. I talked with my senior. I respect and line very much my senior. Their thinking is great for me.

I went home with one of my friends and we talked each other about love. I thought that the most important thing was feeling that people loved each other. When it was about 23:30, as last train almost nearly left, we said good bye.

After seeing my friend, I went to the Mos Burger which I work at. Then, there was a person in the office, we talkd about each other about one hour. I love people who work at Mos Burger in Kokubunji. They are very kind to me. So I would like to continue to work at this shop!!!

What is Sugi-tama?

Sugi-tama is a thing that be gathered leeves of Japanese cedars. It is also called Saka-bayashi. It shapes like a ball. When people hung their roofs sugi-tama, it means they made new alcohole. At first, Sugi-tama looks blue but eventually, it become brown. Seeind this change, we can know how age alcohole is. These days, when people tend to see Sugi-tama as a sign of liquor store, by nature, Sugi-tama represented feelings of thanks for god.

Journal# April 16th. Please draw the door from your belongings...

Today, when I left home to Kokubunji station in a hurry as I do every day, Tyuo line delayed. So when train arrived at Hachioji station, I hastened to go to plat home 6 because I wanted to took the Yokhama train from Hachioji to Fuchinobe. Although I ran, Yokohama line also delayed today and this was unlikely to happen. So conductor of the Yokohama train was in a bind. Then, he said, "Please draw the door from your belongings not to catch." After this,I laughed. You know, he had to say "Please draw your belongings from the door not to catch.", however, because he was in a hurry, he he made a mistake.
When I arrived at Fuchinobe station, because the train was delayed, my friends also took same train so we went to the class room, Integrated English listening class, together. When I arrived at Fuchinobe station, I was very surprised at seeing the electric bulletin board. It was only 2 degree. It was so cold that could not put up with. May be, I think April is spring. Today, it is April 16th. So it was too cold. I want spring to come soon!!!!!!

After school, I managed to work at Mos Burger shop five hours without rest. Today, I had a strong stomachache but I stand that pain. When I went home, it was snowy so I was surprised at seeing snow.

Today, Mr. Sugiyama, like a brother quit. I was very sad. Although I decided not to cry when I talk with Mr. Sugiyama, in fact, I cried. I respect him very much. He always is kind even though customer visit one after another so he was very busy. I will miss him after he quit Mos Burger.


Journal# April 15th.

These days, it is so cold that I can not go out and get up. Today, since I couldn't sleep very well yesterday, I feel more sleepy this morning. As a result, I got up very late and I had to prepare to go to college. I chose clothes to wear in a hurry. When I left home, I thought I made a mistake. It is so cold that I couldn't put up with being out.

I had an appointment that I would meet Chizuru who is one of my friend at 10:40. But when I arrived at Kokubunji staion, Tyuo line trains were late about twenty minutes so I asked Chizuru to go to college.

Last year, I attended Integrated English writing class. Our teachers were Mario Nagatani and the Japanese woman. Both of teachers were Japanese. But this year, our teacher is James Broad bridge. He was from United Kingdom. Wow!!!!! I was very surprised at seeing him because he was sooooooo cool and handsome!!!!When he asked us “Do you have any questions?”, many people raised their hands and they asked James one after another. For example,“Do you have the lover?”“Where do you live?”We were very surprised at the answer how old he is. Then, he said to me“Oh, younger? Or older?” So I said to him yook so young!” Then, “What's your name?” he said, I answered “Michiko.”he said “Oh, Michiko! Your grade is A!!!!” We all laughed. He says that he wrote on the desk “A
” with his choke!!

This year, I am happy because my all English teachers are great people\(^^)/ So I will do my best!


Journal# I heard a interesting story...

Three days ago, I heard interesting storry by the professor of history. He teaches history at twelve univesities including Aoyama Gakuin University. He told us many story. For example, specialities in each university. According to his story, the students of Tokyo University would not say they are the students of Tokyo University and there are many students who don't attend classes in Aoyama Gakuin University thse days. He seemed strict, the contents of his class may be interesting.

Suddenly, his words remind him of a story. Then he stopped talking and slowly, he begin to tell.

Story about tne student in Meiji Gakuin University. When he took statements tests, whatever questions were, he wrote about how to make a delicious curry. In other words, he wrote same things. For example, when quetion was "How do you think about capital punishment", he answered "The question is how do you think about capital punishment, I would like to state about how to make a delicious curry." Other situations, when question was "How do you think of Education system in Japan?", he answered "The question is how do you think of Education system in Japan, I would like to state about how to make a delicious curry." So you know, he wrote about how to make a delicious curry whatever question was and whenever he took statement tests. I was very surprised at this story. But the teacher told us more surprising story. Surprisindly, the student who wrote on a statement test how to make a dlicous curry was given credits. Only one professor did not give a credit to him. Then, the student protest the professor why he did not give him a credit. The professor answered the question chilly, "Because that recipe was not perfect. If I made a curry as you said, a curry was not good since onions are short."

I thought that not only professors but also the student was strong but I did not want to do same thing to the student.


Journal# April 14th. Photographing...

When I finished photographing at hair salon in Omotesando, it was over 0:00. So I went to Shibuya station in a hurry. I feel unease because I thought I had to be in Shibuya station all night. But I managed to take the last train from Shibuya to Kokubunji.

While I was in the train, a picture which was taken at hairsalon reminded me of the time when I was taken pictures. I respect that people who smile when they are taken pictures. When I was taken pictures, I could not smile because I was so nervous. I feel sorry for the cameraman as I was not able to smile or do any expression. Although I was nervous, I had a good time.


Journal# April 14th. Punctual!

In the morning, I went shopping two super market to buy foods that I would use to cook. When I came back home, it is 12:10. So I prepared my family's dinner in a hurry, eating my lunch. I have to go to the campus in Aoyama by 15:00. So I must leave my house by 13:30.

When my club activities started, I eas surprised at seeing members. I belong to the Aoyama Announce society. Aoyama Announce society has Christmas party in a year. Although I want to be an announcer, I am a DJ, like a personality of radio, in my club activities now. Today, there are no people in my DJ section except me. So I practice about talking. After club activities, Natsumi who is one of my friend, Satomi who is one of my senior, and I went to O-toya. O-toya is a kind of Jspsnese restaurant. In the restaulant, we talked obout communication between other people and love. I had great time. Dinner was very nice.

By 21:00, I had to go the hair salon in Omote-sando because I had to be taken my phptographs to carry their homepage. Photographig was over around 0:00 and I went back home in a hurry. Fortunately, I could took las train!

Journal# I work at...

It is so cold these days and I would like to be home every time. Since June last year, I work at Mos burger at Kokubunji and work at a cram school named TOMAS at Mitaka. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I work at Mos burger. And Thursday, I work at a TOMAS. When I work at Mos burger, I wear green uniform. I couldn’t do anything at first, I always worked extra hours because I was not able to finish my work. Now, I know how to do my work effectively and I like making French fried potatoes.

Mos burger’s foods are very delicious so I wanted to work there. Although I have eaten once, I thought so and now, I eat “Mos burger”, “Mos cheese burger” four times in a week. I like “Mos burger”, “Mos cheese burger”, “Teriyaki chicken burger”, “Roast deep-fried breaded cutlet burger”.

Last Saturday, when I was working, I thought I wanted to eat some of these. Then a foreigner came my shop and he can’t speak in Japanese, in fact, he can only speak in English. So I said him, “May I help you?”. While he was surprised at for a while, he spoke to me pointing a menu. He said “One French fried potato, please.” And I said “which size do you want?”. Then he answered “Large size, please.” I said “Sure.”. I was happy because I could talk with a foreigner in English.



One day, I would like to go shopping but it was raining. So I made up my mind not to go because I had to go by bus. It cost me a lot. But in the afternoon, it was fine and I went out on foot without having my umbrella. When I thought I would go home, it begun to rain again so I couldn't help buying an umbrella. It cost me ¥2000!!! If I had go out with my umbrella when it was rain, I would use only ¥320. It was an irony.

Journal# April.13rd Etc...

This is the picture which I took near Aoyama Gakuin University in Aoyama. It is sunny today and it is warm so I feel spring. April. I'm sleepy now because I had a lunch. Yesterday, it is so cold that I can not stood out stil. During the lunch time, my friends and I ate bread and noodles. I will attend four classes. These classes are Integrated EnglishⅢ, Nichijouseikatsunosuuri, in English, a mathematical principle of our daily life and an outline of American literature.

Mr.C.Richardson's story was exciting. In the class of a mathematical principle of our daily life, there are too many students so I can't sit down. By the way, have you ever took Tyuuou line? I take it everyday, this line often stop bexause of accidents that some people are hit by the train. From last night to this morning, there are three accidents. So mu father could not came home. When I try to go to school although Tyuo line run but it was overdue. I feel ease as I am in the class in time!

I feel very busy these days. But I am happy! I dicided to achieve three aims. I would like to do every thing early when I try to do something like responce to E-mail which ie sent from my friends, homework, and housework. Second,I economize on cost of daily food. Third, I would like to save money. So I must do part-time job very hard.

I want to dye my hair black although my hair is black.