
Journal# July 18th. I made my life full...

Today, I went to Ask which is Announcement school of TV Asahi!!!! I was worried about many things before I went to. Firstly, I have no sense to choose streets. Do you understand? I mean, I always wonder which ways I should go. But this time, I did!!!!! I could visit the announcement school without confusing!!!!!!lol Second, I was anxious that whether I could made friends with. There were 15 people except me. All the people were beautiful and great! Two of them were weather caster, one of them is the champion in Australia and Japan, he was the champion in artistic (体操), and almost all of them, including me, wanted to be an announcer. So I thought I will do my best together.
After that, I met my senior. He took me to NHK studio! Do you know Hello from Studio park? In Japanese, it is called スタジオパークからこんにちは. I watched it and I could see how to work and make TV program. I really had a good time! In this museum, there are some corners which you can try. For example, You can be an announcer in the studio. Although it is nice, as I felt somewhat ashamed and I did not try.
We dropped on to Mos Burger in Shibuya. You know, I work at Mos Burger. But Mos Burger in Shibuya, there are some menu which my Mos Burger does not have! So I ate them. They are 山ぶどうスカッシュ and Green Soup Curry. I have never seen them and I tried eating them! They are delicious but it was hot a little! Yes, Takatsuna, I felt hot too!!!! lol By the way, do you recover from a cold? I am worried about your health! Oh, I remember just now! Thank you for your reply in English on mixi! I was glad too see that!

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