
Journal# July 21st. What's happened?

It is very hot today!!!!! I hear the news that it was 38 degree in one area. 38? No kidding!!! 38 is higher than my fever!!!! Today, I went to Tachikawa with my mother to buy a swimming suit. This summer, I have the plan to go to pool with my friendsε=ヾ(*´▽`)ノ I'm looking forward to going! Although a swimsuit is very expensive, my mother bought one for me\(^^)/ And she bought me some clothes too!★ Though we looked for nice one, we could not find easily. As it became afternoon, we had lunch(^o^) They are gratin and rice.
My mother ate gratin made of spinach (ほうれん草グラタン☆) and I ate rice with salad, salmon, and tuna! The desserts was apple cheese cake. All of them were delicious!!!!!!After lunch, we go to some department store to buy a swimsuit. I could find nice one! Then, I went for Shibuya in a hurry. I arrived there about 17:00. I met my senior and we talked with in the cafe over 4 hours. I enjoyed talking. Next time I can see is Sunday. I'm so looking forward to!

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