
Journal# July 20th. Keep your blogging...

Give me something to drink!
Today, I had no class! Every Tuesday, I have four classes but today, all lectures were called off!!!!!!\(^^)/ So I did not have to go to Fuchinobe!! But.....but!!!!!! I have three reportsポイッ(-_- )ノ⌒ So I must write! Then, I went to Aoyama campus. Why didn't I go to Sagamihara campus? I can go to Aoyama faster than go to Fuchinobe. So I went to Aoyama.
Although I wore a long skirt today, it was very very hot!!!! I thought I made a mistake!lol I went there about 12:15, when I arrived at cafe teria, there were already a lot of people and in the cafe teria, it was very hot too. Actually, the air- conditioning was not work!/(^o^)\ After we had lunch, I had myself take to PC room. I would write my report, but I noticed. I did not finish doing “really English”. I only finished 32 lessons although I had to do 35 lessons! Hey, you guys, have you already finished? Of course I hope you say yes! After I finished doing really English, I watched Kaho,S's blog and Takatsuna's blog. Do you know? They continue to write! You guys, I recommend keep your diary and watching their blogs!

I came back home and my mother presented me this! This is a jewelry box. I thought this may appear the movies of Harry Potter!

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