
Journal# June 5th. I usually practise...

Good morning!
Today, I will introduce you my practise. I want to be an announcer so I always try to get skill of announcement.
Therefore,I often go to Karaoke box. Do you know why? because there are a lot of microphones. As I have to speak with microphone, I often go there and I have never paid the bill at Karaoke box near my house because I have special ticket. I work at Mos burger and Mr. Ebina who works with me gave many tickets to me. I was very very happy so I often go Karaoke alone and I practise announcement.


Journal# Takatsuna...

Isaid again and again. But I said once.


Journal# June 4th. Sleepy...

Yesterday, I was very busy and the young men threatened me, I ran away in a hurry(>_<。) As the doctor added two more medicines, I took 26 medicines per day. Since I took a lot, I forgot which medicines I took!!!!lol I feel very very sleepy so I slept over 15 hours today.(`・ω・´)

Then, I have to go to work at Mos burger.

Journal# June 3rd. Alice...

Now, I took a lot of medicines per day although I have JUST a cold! Today, I was going to Aoyama campus directly after I went to hospital near my house but since the doctor said to me I have to took medicines and rest after having lunch so I could not go my club activities directly.

Then, while I was having a break, I watched Ameri. Do you know Ameri? Ameri is the movie which was made in France. It is very interesting so do watch! It is worth seeing(^^)/\(^^) Two or three hours later I had lunch, I could go Aoyama campus to see DJ.

It is today that new students do DJ for the first time in their lives. Every year, people must do KOSUPURE. Last year, I did Alice. This is the picture. Many people said to me they do not know who I am!lol


Journal# June 2nd. Many medicines...

Some days ago, I was absent from school because my sick got worse. Oh, sick is not serious. I had just a cold. Unfortunately, medicines did not suit me so I felt very bad and I had strong stomachache. Per an hour, I was success to lose 1 kilo gram. Although I wanted to lose my weight, then, I thought I hate this way lol!!!!!
Next day, I visit the doctor and I said to him medicines might not suit me so I would like to change them, then, the doctor said to me he did not know which medicine did not work. At that time, I took 24 medicines per day. Why should I take a lot of medicines? I had just cold(>_<。)!!!!!!!!!!!!!At last, as the doctor did not know why my health got worse, he added two more medicinesΣ(゜Δ゜;)I hope that I recover from this time with medicines!!!!

Journal# June 1st. Harvard University...

I have the class, Koutou-Kyouiku-Ron. Last Thursday, I watched the lecture which was held Harvard University. I was really surprised at and moved. I thought that the professor was genius. Although he teaches philosophy to 1,400 students, he remembered them who said their opinions and he also remembered all speeches made by students. Not only the professor but also the students were genius. They were so positive that they could claim. I thought I wanted to be like them.

Journal# May 31st. Hair color...

I am very very tired! Today, I had club activities after school. Although I took the train from Fuchinobe, I can't sit down because there are many people in the train. Yesterday, I had a cold so I bothered my friends and my seniors. When I was in the writing class, I talked with James. You know, James is a teacher. He dyed his hair and it really suited him. When I said to him that, he answered his hair became too daaaaaaaaaark. I thought the sense that “My hair became too light or too dark.” is the same Japanese or foreigner.


Journal# Reply for comment

Thank you for commenting, Kaho! Takatsuna is very very funny and crazy!!!!笑 Someday, I want to go to somewhere with IE class! By the way, I always wonder what is "lol". I often see this. Please tell me^^

Journal# I noticed...

I noticed that my comment setting did not work. I'm so sorry. Before I changed the setting, comment which someone gave me could not reflect on my blog but now that I altered, your comment could see soon! So please give me comments^^


Journal# Stand by Me...

Four boys are the main character. Although they are thoughtful, all of them are bad boy and they usually smoke while they were twelve years old. They have some problem with their families.Well....If I continut to write this, it is like a book reportΣ(゜□゜;) Wow!!! So I would stop(^^)v Check it out!!!!

Journal# I recommend...

Do you know the movie, Stand by Me? This movie is based on “The Body”. The Body was written by Stephen King. Wow!!!!! I was very surprised at the fact(`・ω・´) Actually I love the novels he wrote but I didn't know who wrote The Body. I chose this book for book report only seeing the cover of book. But......But!!!! It is miracle. When I was a high school student, I watched the DVD in my home. I watched DEAD ZONE. This is very very interesting drama so please do watch!!! Then, I searched other works which he made. Green mile and ショーシャンクの空に were made by him.


Journal# May 30th. Fresh...

\Good morning everyone!/

These days, I scare myself because I write blog a lot. Almost my hobby... By the way, although I have a lot of homework, I could hand in my book report\(^^)/ I feel very very happy!!!!Yesterday, I slept over ten hours!!!! I was very surprised to see the clock on the wall when I woke up. First, I regretted very much but as I could not sleep these days, I thought it was good for my health to sleep a lot.

Journal# May 29th. Sore throat...

Yesterday, I went back home although I had to practise 15:00~ 17:00. I have a bad cold and this time, I have a pain with my throat. Now, I arrived at Kokubunji but it was raining!!!! I want to get better soon///// This is a kind of candy. If i ate these candy, can i recovery?
When I was a child, I would eat this. Do you know this? This is a kind of candy too.

Journal# May 28th. Busy...

I took some medicine and pain with my throat became better. Today, I went to Aoyama Campus for recording radio drama. I play the roll, a girl who was eight years old. My dialog begins 先生聞いて! あたしね、逆上がりできるようになったんだょ! ヽ(≧▽≦)/ Anyway, it represents happiness and she is very childish, of cource so it is difficult for me to play the roll.

After recording was over, although I listen to my voice recorded, I don't know whose voice was that. It was very interesting.

During the lunch time, I attended the meeting because I would appear the program of variety. One of my friend said to me, she hardly thought I was chosee the person who appeared the variety program.

After I finished eating lunch, I saw the script which my friend, Hiromi made. She is very very funny. I like her very much.

Journal# Takatsuna...

We love Takatsuna!!!!!笑
He spoke as if he had been a voice actor. His voice is very good and please do watch!!!!

Journal# I met...

When I was in Shibuya, I met wonderful person! A man was playing the violin and the man who seems salary man was dancing with music. Everyone was there taking pictures or movie. I'm so sorry as I was taking video while I was calling, my voice must be heard. ※I deleted my video on 20th. February 2014.


Journal# May 27th. Bad condition...

I had a cold... Two days ago, when I was doing my homework at five a.m. I had a sore throat. Then, I caught a cold!!!! Oh, noooooooo°・(ノД`)・°・

Although I have to appear two radio drama, the program of variety and do mixer, only I can do is a mixer as I can not speak because of sore throat.

Moreover, my skin condition is very bad since I do not sleep.

News presentation

News presentation
11309091 Michiko KAWAKITA

Pre listening question
Do you know the resignations of Hatoyama and Ozawa?
Do you know why Hatoyama sfould have risigned?
On Tuesday night, people were mystified because Hatoyama flashed thumbs- up. Although he always said he was OK, he announced his resignation suddenly. He was confused Futenma problem and the trigger for Hatoyama’s resignation announcement came the evening of May on 27 during a meeting with Ozawa. Hatoyama did not think he did his resignation but Ozawa said to him Hatoyama had to do that if he dismissed Mizuho Fukushima. Hatoyama wanted to move Marine Corps Air Station to Futenma, however, Fukushima resisted this suggestion strongly and dismissing her was the only thing he could do but as Fukushima was the member of the cabinet, it was a difficult for Hatoyama to continue to being the prime minister so he resigned.

I was very surprised to hear the news that Hatoyama and Ozawa were resigned. Although Naoto Kan took office as the prime minister, I do not think this political power would continue because recently, political powers have changed one after another.

Post listening question
Do you think what should the political party do?

Mystify 困惑するPeople were mystified to hear the news.
Announce 発表するHe announced he was going to go to Switzerland.
Resignation 辞職He announced his resignation.
Dismiss 罷免するShe was dismissed by the prime minister.
Cabinet 内閣 This problem was solved in cabinet.

Journal# My memories...

I will show you the pictures a little! On June 13th, I had the big festival. I am going to write about that stage in detail later.

They are members of Aoyama Announcement Society. We did great stage!!!!!!!!

Journal# May 26th. ...

Good morning! I dislike taking the train in the early morning because the time people go to companies or school, in the train, they are so crowded.

Today, I have the plan to record my voice. Although I will do two Radio drama, one is recording. Do you know Radio drama? It is a kind of drama which represents only voice.

Journal# May 25th. Complicated...

I slept only 1 or 2 hours these days. So I feel bad now. When I was a high school student, I slept almost ten hours there fore, it is a unbelievable situation now!!! Haha...

Although I thought I could not sleep because I have a lot of things to do, as I finished writing my reports earlier than I had expected, so I could sleep two hours.

Today, I believed I was able to sleep enough, it was decided that I appear two drama on the stage, I have to practise after I came back home.

I play the rolls in the drama. One is the girl who is a high school student. Her name is Yuduki. She has a talent and she can run so fast. The other is the girl who goes to an elementary school and her name is Rika.


Journal# My goal is a blog master!!!!!!!

I changed my template!!! Is this beautiful, isn't it? I love stars and space very much! Till I was a high school student, I want to be an astronaaut so I love them. Do you like planets or stars?

Journal# May 24th. Oxford...

Two days ago, I did my homework till 4 o'clock a.m. and yesterday, I did until 5 o'clock a.m. and I must do my home work all night. As I have the stage soon, I came back my home about 10:00 every day so I have little time to do my homework(>_<。) Anyway, I will do my best(`・ω・´)

Thesedays, I make it a rule to exercise after I took a bath.Three days ago, I saw Oxford University in the class. It reminded me of my school trip to England when I was a high school student.

Journal# May 22nd. Free talk...

Today, I was very tired I went to Aoyama Gakuin University in Shibuya and I practised but as I was standing almost four hours, I want to sit down as soon as possible.

This time our club activity is doing free talk and pair free talk. Do you know what is free talk? The theme has already been prepared and the speaker have to talk about the theme but he or she can talk very freely.

Journal# Aoyama Announcement Society...

I thought I have changed before what I was since I belonged to the Aoyama Announcement Society. Before I benlonged to, as I was very shy, I made many mistakes whee I have to be on the stage. Although I also feel nervous, now, I do not many mistakes.

Actually, when I was nominated by the teacher during the class as I hadn't finish preparetions for a lesson I was very surprised to hear being called my name and my hands were shaking but I could answer with calm.

Journal# May 21st. I'll do my best!...

Today, I had the class which starts from 9 a.m. However, I got up seven o'clock and I could make me up.

As period 4 are called off, I am able to go back home after I attend the class, period 3 but I have the part-time job today so I have to go to Mos Burger today.

Journal# May 20th. Mixer...

These days, I have a lot of homework so I often forget what I should do. Haha!!!

Now, I do DJ twice in a week. Last Wednesday, I said I wanted letters from listeners. My theme was “The Moment You Did Something with Courage.” Then, very very interesting letters were sent from listeners.

When I do my DJ, I change the tone of voice. I speak to listeners as if I were a personality of radio.

Journal# I will dance...

Perfume - Chocolate Disco★
I recommend this promotion video. They are very cute. I will dance this song. It is very difficult for me to dance but I enjoy very much!!!!!!!!

Journal# May 19th. DJ Roko...

This week, I should do my DJ. I will do twice. My theme are Summer and Winter. I will talk about Summer vacation and Japanesd Nabe.

This is a picture when I did my DJ. I mind shining pierces very much.

Journal# May 18th. I have a big news...

I have a big news!!!! This Saturday, I will have new personal computer! Now I use an old typed computer. It really does not work!!!!! When I turn on the switch, I have to wait about 30 minutes and if I want to use the Internet, I have to wait more 40minutes, then, my personal computer become friezed. Oh, nooooooooo Although I must wait more one hour, actually, I can not do anything. So now, I am really happy to buy a new computer!!

Journal# May 17th. Book report...

Now, I will do my book report!!! Sometimes ago, I was reading “The body”which written in English in the train and a foreign person stared at me for about fifteen minutes. I was very surprised at.

Journal# May 16th. It depends on you...

Today, I talked with Nanako. Nanako is a very beautiful girl and I like her thought very much. I am so confused these days but as I talked with her, I became positive a little. I thanks for and respect her very much. Is an ideology needed? Is a thoughtful thought needed?

It depends on you.

Journal# May 15th. I betrayed...

I do not have the will that I betrayed but as a result........ As a result, I betrayed. I..... I betrayed..........

I betrayed Mos burger!!!! Although I work at Mos burger, today I ate dinner at Mac Donald!!! WowΣ(゜□゜;) MacDonald is an enemy of Mos Burger. Haha!!!! Today I lost myself. I chose Mac although foods are more delicious in Mos burger than MacDonald but in MacDonald, I foods are cheaper than Mos.

Now, I am on the way to 青梅. Can you read it?It is called Ome but usually this is likely to be called Aoume. This picture, I was taken in Ome.


Journal# May 14th. Tama...

I finished prepareing my presentation, reading novels written in English, and writing my essay so I feel very happy now!!! I began to think I could work at Mos Burger very hard

Tomorrow, I will have festival! Its name is All Aoyama. Do you know what it is? It is a festival which we, the members of Aoyama Announcement Society appear. We are going to do DJ, Radio Drama, and Program of Variety. I will do the roll called Shoumei. I have to turn off and on light during programs and I also have to adjust. I'll do my best!!!

Today, I also got up late. I woke up 7:20 so I have to go to school without making myself up. My friends who belong to the same noticed that I did not make up so I felt embarrassed.

These days, I noticed I can not understand English which has American accent so I want to do that.

I love cats very much and when I came back home, I saw this cat near my house. I called this cat Tama. It is very cute, isn't it? Tama is'the most famous cat's name in Japan.

Then, I go to work!!!!