
Journal# June 3rd. Alice...

Now, I took a lot of medicines per day although I have JUST a cold! Today, I was going to Aoyama campus directly after I went to hospital near my house but since the doctor said to me I have to took medicines and rest after having lunch so I could not go my club activities directly.

Then, while I was having a break, I watched Ameri. Do you know Ameri? Ameri is the movie which was made in France. It is very interesting so do watch! It is worth seeing(^^)/\(^^) Two or three hours later I had lunch, I could go Aoyama campus to see DJ.

It is today that new students do DJ for the first time in their lives. Every year, people must do KOSUPURE. Last year, I did Alice. This is the picture. Many people said to me they do not know who I am!lol

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi! I'm Satoru, you know.
    Wow. I'm surprised at the picture.
    Do you have a hobby of costume play?

  2. so cute. too cute. cute enough.
