
Journal# June 2nd. Many medicines...

Some days ago, I was absent from school because my sick got worse. Oh, sick is not serious. I had just a cold. Unfortunately, medicines did not suit me so I felt very bad and I had strong stomachache. Per an hour, I was success to lose 1 kilo gram. Although I wanted to lose my weight, then, I thought I hate this way lol!!!!!
Next day, I visit the doctor and I said to him medicines might not suit me so I would like to change them, then, the doctor said to me he did not know which medicine did not work. At that time, I took 24 medicines per day. Why should I take a lot of medicines? I had just cold(>_<。)!!!!!!!!!!!!!At last, as the doctor did not know why my health got worse, he added two more medicinesΣ(゜Δ゜;)I hope that I recover from this time with medicines!!!!

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