
News presentation

News presentation
11309091 Michiko KAWAKITA

Pre listening question
Do you know the resignations of Hatoyama and Ozawa?
Do you know why Hatoyama sfould have risigned?
On Tuesday night, people were mystified because Hatoyama flashed thumbs- up. Although he always said he was OK, he announced his resignation suddenly. He was confused Futenma problem and the trigger for Hatoyama’s resignation announcement came the evening of May on 27 during a meeting with Ozawa. Hatoyama did not think he did his resignation but Ozawa said to him Hatoyama had to do that if he dismissed Mizuho Fukushima. Hatoyama wanted to move Marine Corps Air Station to Futenma, however, Fukushima resisted this suggestion strongly and dismissing her was the only thing he could do but as Fukushima was the member of the cabinet, it was a difficult for Hatoyama to continue to being the prime minister so he resigned.

I was very surprised to hear the news that Hatoyama and Ozawa were resigned. Although Naoto Kan took office as the prime minister, I do not think this political power would continue because recently, political powers have changed one after another.

Post listening question
Do you think what should the political party do?

Mystify 困惑するPeople were mystified to hear the news.
Announce 発表するHe announced he was going to go to Switzerland.
Resignation 辞職He announced his resignation.
Dismiss 罷免するShe was dismissed by the prime minister.
Cabinet 内閣 This problem was solved in cabinet.

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