
Journal# May 13rd. Too busy...

I woke up to find I couldn't go to the class in time today. Oh noooooooooo!!!!! When I got up, it was high time to leave home. So I only did washing my face and teethes and wear cloths, then, I left my house. I was surprised at the situation that as I ran hard soon after I got up, I could not ran so fast!! Moreover, today I wear the very thin cloths. So I felt very very cold!!!!!!!!!! Now, my hands is soooooo cold. It is almost like winter. Today, as I got up very late, I could not make up myself and my cloths were really evade. I don' care them until I arrived at Fuchinobe station, but I began to feel bad when I reached. now, since my hair was dyed if I do not make up myself, it is OK, I think. Haha.... I feel bad these days because I am too busy to sleep.Today, I also can not sleep because I had lot of things to do. Tomorrow, I have a presentaion and after school, I have to work at Mos burger till 24:00. I think I can not do those things but I will do my best! Now, as I am very busy, I can alive without thinking. Now, it begins to rain!!!

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