

2-A 10 11309091 Michiko KAWAKITA

URL; http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201004250169.html

Pre listening question
Do you know Futenma Problem?

Yukio Hatoyama who is prime minister thought that Marine Corps Air Station Futenma should be transferred. On the other hand, many people who live in Okinawa protest that opinion. American government and Japanese government discuss about this problem in 2006, and Japanese government agreed to move Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Although many people resist the plan to transfer Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Mr. Hatoyama , Japanese government does not have any plan. Now, Japanese government is confused since three mayors' in Okinawa, American government don't have same opinion.

This is a very difficult problem because Okinawa Governor and Japanese government don’t have consensus. I don't know whether transferring of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is better or not. It is difficult for Hatoyama to solve the problem with peace.
Post listening question
Which opinion do you agree, Japanese government or Okinawa Governer? And why?

prefecture 県 Fukuoka prefecture has large population.

transferring 移転 This is the just problem in my family whether we do transferring our house to Tokyo or not.

mayor 市長 He is the mayor of Kurume City.

resist 抵抗する We resist the plan strongly.

Marine Corps Air Staion 海軍飛行場

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