
Journal# April 27th. Vanessa...

Today, I got up early and I study English. A period 2 and 3, I had the IE core class. Today, our group did not have the presenter, so I become the presenter and I prepare my presentation in a hurry. I managed to do my presentation. Since quality of my presentation was very low, I felt very sorry. Haha... Moreover,I forgot my umbrella in my house so I had to buy one. While I went to the college, Chizuru and I went to together and Chizuru let me share her umbrella with.

I thought I'll do my best on this blog. Although I introduce this blog on my Japanese blog, the link URL was not worked. You can not access this blog directly. I want my friends to check this blog so that I would keep my diary.

Today, when I had a class, I felt dry on my eyes so I pt off my contact lenses. Fortunately, I brought glasses today. Today I received E-mail from the hair stylist in Omotesando. She said to me, "Would you do cut model?" However, I let my hair cut yesterday, I refused this offer. Anyway, I wonder whether I go to hair salon again or not to dye my hair again. I want my hair to dye more bright.

I was said I resembled Vanessa. The top of the diary, I insert picture of Vanessa. Do you think so?

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