
Journal# April 24th. Purple Saint Claus...

I had to go to Aoyama Campus in the afternoon. I belong to Aoyama Announcement Society. My club activity days are Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday, we practise from 15:00 to 17:00. Saturday, we practise from 13:00 to 17:00. So today, I had to go Shibuya till 12:30.

These days, I only have salad, but my friend said to me I should have some rice or some bread if I want to lose weight. So I would like to try to eat them. In fact, although I only eat vegetables, I feel hungry and I am likely to eat something, it is nonsense. Oh,no!!!

When after the practice, I talked with my friend Yoshino about the money. These days, we spent our money without notice. And we noticed, we spent on foods or desserts. I often feel hungry while I am in Sagamihara campus. It cost us a lot!!!!! So now, I manage my money by recording what I bought. Yoshino and I made up my mind we would not buy something to eat and drink!!! We make it a rule to make lunch in our house. However, as soon as we decided that we saw the sign. It says KIKANGENTEI. In English, it means you can buy this goods only now!!!

We shouted each other! "Look at that!!!!" Beard Papa was selling new cream puff!!!!!Beard Papa is a shop which sells cream puff and cake. Today, this shop sells new cream puff, it tastes Maccha, Japanese green tea. We ssid, we must buy!!!! we must eat!!!!!!! Although we made up our mind to save our money and lose our weight, at once we collapsed!!! Oh, noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Until now, at am 3:42, I wrote this blog. These days, since I have a lot of home work, I can not sleep till I finish those. Tomorrow, our club has a plan, BBQ!! I'm so looking forward to that event! Good night.

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