
Journal# Avril Lavigne Complicated...

It is the Promotion Video of "Complicated" sang by Avril Lavigne . It is said that she is called a songstress. Her voice is powerful, her lyrics is good, and her melody is excellent. Let's try to listen to this song! You will like it!!

Book Report due 25th. May

MLA citation:
King, Stephen (1982). The Body. England: Addition Wesley Longman Limited in association with Penguin Books Ltd.

Lessing, Doris (1950). The Grass Is Singing. London: Penguin Books Ltd.

Stephen King’s fictional novel The Body is very interesting to read. This book is a kind of adventure. Four boys spent their time together two days. They and their minds grew up. The story takes place in Oregon. This book first published in 1982 by Longman Limited. In this book, readers can sympathize their mind. In the paragraphs that follow, I will give a summary of the story, including plot, climax, and point of view, theme, symbolism, and irony.

Doris Lessing’s fictional novel The Grass is Singing is easy to read but readers have to understand distinction existed in those days. This story takes place in London and Africa. This book first published in1950 by Penguin books Ltd. In the paragraphs that follow, I will give a summary of the story, including plot, climax, and point of view, theme, symbolism, and irony.

The Body
This story takes place in Oregon at present time. Gordie lived Oregon when he was twelve years old. He had three best friend and they are Chris, Teddy, and Vern. Chris was his best friend. He seemed a very bad boy but actually, he was very kind. Teddy was a crazy boy and his father was bad. Although Vern was one of his friends, he was little shy. One day, he told Gordie, Chris, and Teddy “Don’t you want to see the body? I heard the story when I was under the floor. According to the story, there is a body near the rail way.” All of them are interested in this story so they planned to go out and find the body. When Chris prepared for his trip, he remembered his brother, Denny. Denny was very good brother for Gordie and he was a foot ball player. He died four months ago and while he was alive, their parents always loved only Denny. After his death, parents could not forget Denny. On the way to the rail way, Chris’s brother and his friend robbed Gordie of his cap which Denny gave him. After four people gathered, they began to walk along the rail way to see the body. They aggressed because anyone did not bring foods. Then, Gordie suggested that they should buy something in the shop which placed near the rail way. Teddy try to keep being on the rail way to prove having courage. Chris tried to let Teddy stop because it was so danger situation. Teddy had a quarrel with Chris as he thought he could escape the train. Finally, they made friends with again. They walked for the shop and they went to dump. When Gordie came back to them, Gordie was found by the owner of dump. Fortunately, they could run away. Teddy got very angry because the owner made ill of his father. Although his father was mad, Teddy respected his father very much. Gordie and Chris talked about Gordie’s future. Chris said to Gordie “You have to be a novelist because you have ability.” While they walked on the bridge, the train came so they managed to escape, or, they would die. At night, they talked a lot. Since they scared animals’ voice they decided one kept nit by turns. When Chris was guarding, Gordie was dreaming of his brother’s funeral. Then, his father said to Gordie he hoped Gordie died instead of Denny. He felt very sad he could not forget that. Then, he got up and covered with Chris. Chris talked about the case. Although he abstracted the charge for meals, he tried to give it back. As his brother and his father were bad, he couldn’t be believed. He couldn’t do anything. He wanted to go place where anybody did not know him. Several times they thought they went back home, they didn’t do that. They found the body of boy in the end. Gordie said to Chris he had to die instead of the boy because his father hated him. They began to prepare for carrying the body and then, Chris’s brother and his bad friends arrived. They tried to rob four boys of the body. As they lived a small town, they found the body and they wanted to be famous. Chris’s brother nearly killed Chris with his knife, then, Gordie shot a gun. Though he did not shoot Chris’s brother, they won. This is a climax.

In this story, there are some conflicts. The biggest one is Ace who is Chris’s brother and his friends vs. four boys, Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern. Although four boys found the body and tried to carry it, Ace and his friends interrupt them and he nearly killed his brother. Then, Gordie stopped Ace with a gun.

The Grass Is Singing
Mary Turner, wife of Dick Turner, a farmer at Ngesi, was found dead at her home. Although Charlie Slatter who knew about Turner very well and lived five miles from the Turners wrote about this case, nobody discssed about murder because everyone thought that Mary Turner deserved such a death. When the farm boys came to him as they discovered the body and he sent a massage to Sergant Denham at the police station. Although he was Londoner, he became Africa to make money. Tony was taken to the police office and Denham asked him whether he knew the fact or not. Although Tony tried to talk about his imagination, he was not allowed to speak because he was a black and they discriminate. Mary felt happy at school, during holidays, she minded staying home. When she was sixteen, she got a job. She had been working as a secretary for three years. Until she quit the work, when her mother died, she had a comfortable life with her own friends and a good job. After her mother's death, she did not see and write to her father and he also did not do that. Around thirty, she had not married anyone yet and she happened to hear a conversation about her. Her friends made ill of her. Then, she changed her hair style and clothes and she began to looking around someone to marry. She scared men over thirty and avoided them. One day, she watched a movie and Dick Turner who hated crowded places and town noticed her. After he came back to his farm, he can't help thinking about her. Two months passed. He went to the town and he went for a drive with her. However, he did not make appointment with her so he regret. Two months and two weeks later, he asked her to marry. Quickly, she accepted so he was very surprised at her answer. She wanted to marry someone because her friends made ill of her. After their marriage, Mary moved to his farm from town. She cleaned his house and chenged a lot. However, hir farm is country, she began to feel bored. Samson who would look after her didn't feel happy as Mary never laughed. She cleaned because everywhere is dirty but she use water too much so Dick complained to her she wasted water. One day, visitors came to the house. At first, Mary was glad to, gradually she was ashamed of her poorness and felt stiff. That night, the house boy said to Dick he had no time to eat because of hard work Mary forced to him. Dick was taking servant's side against her. Dick said to her not to make house boy work so hard but she insisted it was natural that house boys had to work hard. Dick bought some bees and expensive pigs from Charlie though his wife protested strongly. She managed to keep her anger inside and she was becoming bitter and hard. He told her he ran the shop but she felt uncomfortable she thought natives dirty people. She asked Charlie to take her the town. She went to a club and hotel. However, her dress was not at all fashionable and her shoes were covered with red dust but she had no money. After she came back to the farm, although life on the farm was even worse than before, she could no longer feel. Mary wanted to die. Then, Dick got ill and they were closer together those days than they had ever been before. She went to natives but she really hated them because they are dirty and not punctual. Gradually, she became disappointed and she has no hope for their future. She avoided native people. Since she hated house boy, Moses, she kept him working as long as she could. Although she disliked him, she could not fight properly because of Dick’s warning that he would not allow any more changes of servants. When Moses asked to Mary he was going to leave, she stopped him. Then, he made her drink water and touched. She touched native for the first time in her life. She felt embarrassed and she wanted to forget. From the day, the situation was changed. Although she said to Moses she would not take lunch when Dick was away, Moses brought her a meal and she began to eat. The power she felt over him as his employer had gone. She began to find Moses attractive. Dick fell ill again but this time, she did nothing although house boys stopped work. As she did not sleep to watch her husband, Moses promoted her to go to bed. She dreamed of her father but the dream was very bad. She screamed desperately, trying to wake herself up. When she got up, Moses was standing at her side holding a cup of tea. He was so gentle for him. Moses filled her thoughts night and day. Dick often got ill and Charlie said to any other white farmers, Mary was very bad wife and they believed. Charlie suggested Dick that he give up his farm and sell to Charlie. Then, he was surprised at. They, Dick, Charlie, Mary, and Moses had a dinner together. Then, Charlie told Dick to take a holiday and take his wife away from there, giving Dick no chances to refuse. Dick felt he lost everything. Charlie found Tony Marston from England to manage the farm. She shouted to Moses “Go away!” and he went. She fell to floor in tears. Tony thought she was mad. She went out to find Moses but Moses He wouldn’t back. In the rain, Mary found Moses hanging something long. It’s too late. He killed her with the weapon. He revenged. This is a climax.

There are some conflicts in this story. The biggest one is Mary versus Moses. Mary made him work hard but he behaved gentle. He killed her to revenge in the end of the story.

The Body
There are four main characters in the story. They are Gordie, Chris, Teddy, and Vern. In this story, Gordie is described as a shy boy. Since his brother is famous and his parents are proud of his brother, he always doesn’t feel belong at home. Chris is described as gentle and kind. He often helps his friends. Teddy is described as a crazy boy. He says and does something strange. Vern is described as a cowardly boy. He try to run away whenever he feels fear.

The body is told from first person. This story is written from Gordie’s view. Gordie became a writer in the future and he looked back on the past. In this story, although many people appeared, author often uses character’s name, it is easy to read.

In this story, some ironies exist. Things which I hardly expected happened. First, when boys found the body, it seemed that they become hero by calling to police they found it. However, Chris’s brother and his friends appeared and interrupted and then Gordie who was a shy boy fought with a gun. Second, after they won, I thought they carried the body and they became famous, they did not do that and they called anonymity.

I have finished giving an over view of the characters and point of view, now I would like to talk about some theme and some symbolism in The Body. I think that the importance in cooperate with friends is the theme. Four boys face a lot of difficulties. For example, while they went to the place the body was, they nearly were run over a train, killed and were caught. However, they overcome by cooperating each other. In this story, a gun symbolizes power. Although Ace always threaten everyone, he runs away when he is directed it.

In conclusion, Stephen King’s novel refers how important think of friends and cooperate with them. Actually, if only one of them betray, they died. Even though the situation which “I may be die”, they help their friends and they survive together. I recommend that you read this book. You probably remember your childhood and you will be moved their action.

The Grass Is Singing
There are three main characters. They are Mary, Moses, and Dick. In this story, Mary is described as an ordinary person. When she lived in London and worked there, she felt same with other girls or ladies. However, she happened to listen to her friends talking and they made ill of her, she was hasty to marry as soon as possible. After she married and moved to Africa, she began to feel bored, lonely, and unhappy. The story shows her feelings change from disappointment to madness to violence. Dick is described as enthusiastic person for working. He works hard even though he got sick, malaria. However, he did not help and did not try to sympathize with Mary. Moses is described as a gentleman at first. He always cares Mary though he was treated by her very bad.

The grass Is Singing is told from third person. Although Mary Turner is a main character, she is described as “she” not “I”. In this story, a lot of men, natives, and black appeared. In other words, there are few women so you can find out who “she” is easily.
However, you read this book in little difficulties “Who is he?” because some characters rarely appeared.

In this story, some ironies exist. First, Mary felt happy when she married, however, while she lived in Africa she began to feel bored and she became violence. Second, I thought Moses was a good boy because he serve do a lot for Mary in spite of her violence. In fact, he deceives Mary to revenge her.

I have finished giving an over view of the characters and point of view, now I would like to talk about some theme and some symbolism in The Grass Is Singing. I think that the theme in this story how inconstant one’s feeling is by the situation. Although Mary Turner was an ordinary girl, by living in Africa with her husband and house boys who do not work so much and are black, she became mad to violent. In this story, the farm symbolizes everything he needed for Dick and trivial thing for Mary. Actually, though Dick got malaria, he managed to work and in spite of their poorness, he hated to give his farm to Charlie. On the other hand, Mary was not interested in the farm because she was tired of living in Africa.

In conclusion, Doris Lessing’s novel refers aguish of Mary. Although author described Mary’s, this is not only applied to her. Everyone can become her situation and can be killed. By reading this book, you will see how you feel if you were her. I recommend that you read this book whether you are interested in farmers and natives or not. You can understand what distinction of black is and what the back of that is.


Journal# Keiko KITAGAWA...

Do you know Keiko KITAGAWA? She is a Japanese model. She is very beautiful so I respect her and I want to become like her. Although she was a model, now, she acts in a some dramas. Monday 9:oo p.m., Moon lovers which is a drama is televised. Takuya kimura who is really good actor also appear. Keiko KITAGAWA play Yuzuki Onuki. She is a Japanese model too. I'm looking forward to watching this next week.
On the part of right, I placed a picture. In this picture, Yuzuki Onuki is. She is very beautiful and pretty isn't she?


Jurnal# April 28th. Birthday...

Today, I woke up to find receiving a lot of e-mail so I was very confused and I thought that I had done something bad. Actually, it is my birthday today and I forgot the fact completely. Haha...! I am surprised at the fact that I am already twenty years old now. I think that teenagers and over twenty years old are completely different. In Japan, people who are over twenty years old are thought as adults. When we are over twenty years old, we can buy drink and smoke. The biggest ine is... If you do a crime, your picture would be carried on the news papers and watched TV. Your face and your name will be announced. Till you are nineteen years old, you are saved by the low. I believe that we should have a sense of responsibility. Anyway, I thanks for people who send me an e-mail and a message on mixi. I was very glad to the fact many people remember my birthday.

Today, I went to the hair salon in Omotesando to dye my hair more bright colour again in the morning and in the afternoon, I went to Aoyama campus to practice. Then, I met friends who belong to Aoyama Announcement Society. When I was arrived at the room in which we practiced, my friends congratulated on me so I felt very happy.

Because I have never dyed my hair, everyone was surprised at when they saw me. I wouldn't have dyed my hair, I thought I could dye hair only now! So I did.

This is the picture of my hair salon. I like it!!!!!!

Journal# April 27th. Vanessa...

Today, I got up early and I study English. A period 2 and 3, I had the IE core class. Today, our group did not have the presenter, so I become the presenter and I prepare my presentation in a hurry. I managed to do my presentation. Since quality of my presentation was very low, I felt very sorry. Haha... Moreover,I forgot my umbrella in my house so I had to buy one. While I went to the college, Chizuru and I went to together and Chizuru let me share her umbrella with.

I thought I'll do my best on this blog. Although I introduce this blog on my Japanese blog, the link URL was not worked. You can not access this blog directly. I want my friends to check this blog so that I would keep my diary.

Today, when I had a class, I felt dry on my eyes so I pt off my contact lenses. Fortunately, I brought glasses today. Today I received E-mail from the hair stylist in Omotesando. She said to me, "Would you do cut model?" However, I let my hair cut yesterday, I refused this offer. Anyway, I wonder whether I go to hair salon again or not to dye my hair again. I want my hair to dye more bright.

I was said I resembled Vanessa. The top of the diary, I insert picture of Vanessa. Do you think so?



2-A 10 11309091 Michiko KAWAKITA

URL; http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201004250169.html

Pre listening question
Do you know Futenma Problem?

Yukio Hatoyama who is prime minister thought that Marine Corps Air Station Futenma should be transferred. On the other hand, many people who live in Okinawa protest that opinion. American government and Japanese government discuss about this problem in 2006, and Japanese government agreed to move Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Although many people resist the plan to transfer Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Mr. Hatoyama , Japanese government does not have any plan. Now, Japanese government is confused since three mayors' in Okinawa, American government don't have same opinion.

This is a very difficult problem because Okinawa Governor and Japanese government don’t have consensus. I don't know whether transferring of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is better or not. It is difficult for Hatoyama to solve the problem with peace.
Post listening question
Which opinion do you agree, Japanese government or Okinawa Governer? And why?

prefecture 県 Fukuoka prefecture has large population.

transferring 移転 This is the just problem in my family whether we do transferring our house to Tokyo or not.

mayor 市長 He is the mayor of Kurume City.

resist 抵抗する We resist the plan strongly.

Marine Corps Air Staion 海軍飛行場


Journal# Gloria...

Do you know this song? I love this song! When I was high school student, I was very anxious about my future. I wonder I was really able to go to University. At that time, this song cheered me up. I would listen to this song when I collapsed and I feel tired and worry. Please do listen to this song and do watch this movie. You will like this!!!


Journal# April 26th. Cafe × Ash...

Today, I went to Harajuku to dye my hair.The 計画的無計画!! It means I have a plan that I don't have a plan. Haha... I thiught that I would follow the person who talked to me. Yesterday before, I asked my friends in Aoyama Annoncement Society, "If I am going to be dyed my hair, what color will be suit me?" Although I asked five people separately, all of them answered "May be golden hair will suit you!" I was very surprisd at this answer. But if I dye my hair black to gold, I have to quit my part-time job, so I let dye hair ash. Do you know ash? This color contain green and blue.

After I went to hair salon, I had lunch, little late. It seems very delicious, isn't it? This cake's name is "berry berry cheese cake". In this cake, there are three kind of berry fruits. Can you see? And top of the fruits, there is cheese. This is very very delicious.

Look at this picture, left. This is the just cafe I went to. This cafe exsists Omotesando and I took this picture with mycell phone. This semed little, pretty, cute, and fshionable. I had a good time in this shop. In this shop, all small articles were cute. article means 小物. Although I ate berry berry cheese cake, there are a lot of kind of cakes and drinks. After I had hot cake, as I had enough time to do something, I went toFirst kitchen. Do you know First kitchen? First kitchen is one of the first food shop. Since all foods were so delicious, I ate too much and I felt nausea. Today, I took Oda-kyu line for the first time in my life. I took it from Shinjuku for Machida. There were many people in the train so I felt more nausea.

I had an appointment that I went to Mug-Mog which is a store Ai works at with my friends. We talked each other about love, daily life, club activities and so on. We ate dinner and it was very very delicious. I laughd at very much and I had good time.
I spoke to Dori and Udusaki for the first time.This meeting is called Dori-kai. As all of this members belong to the course of Britain and America Literature, we warmed up when we talked about the teachers in our course. This semester, I'll do my best so that I get good grades.


Journal# April 25th. BBQ...

Today,AAS(Aoyama Announcement Society) has BBQ event! I talked with Mr. Murakami who is one year younger than me and he is the only person that has pierced earring in boys belonging to AAS. He said to me, "I believe I have met you before I have joined AAS." So I answered, "Let me see... I think so too." He said, " Oh really? Where have we met before?" I said, " You resembles Takumi who works Mos Burger shop near my house." He said," Haha! He is completely other person to me. Have your picture insert into Magazine or brochure of Aoyama Gakuin University?" I said, " May be not." However, I feel that I have met him somewhere and some time.

About fifty people belng to Aoyama Announcement society. So we were divided into eight groups when we were doing BBQ and eating. As thee are many boys in my group, our group finished eating very early. In fact, our foods were half of other groups'. We are very surprised at and shocked. I ate a lot but as I could not communicate with new stdents, I'm sorry for that.

After the BBQ, Anzu, Chisa, Hiromi and I ate ice cream. It was very delicious!!! When Yoshino and I went back home, we wrote journal, this blog, very hard in the train. We are very silent and we wrote in English earnestly.

At night, my family went to a curry shop. Its name is PANAS. Is it seemes very delicious, isn't it? Actually, it was soooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious!!!!!!! Can you see what is that in this picture, left part? This is nan bread. You see, it was very very big!!! But it cost me only 300 yen! It is quite cheep and that was very delicious. I love this green curry. It was based on spinach. It was mild rather than hot. I am looking forward to going this shop again☆

Journal# April 24th. Purple Saint Claus...

I had to go to Aoyama Campus in the afternoon. I belong to Aoyama Announcement Society. My club activity days are Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday, we practise from 15:00 to 17:00. Saturday, we practise from 13:00 to 17:00. So today, I had to go Shibuya till 12:30.

These days, I only have salad, but my friend said to me I should have some rice or some bread if I want to lose weight. So I would like to try to eat them. In fact, although I only eat vegetables, I feel hungry and I am likely to eat something, it is nonsense. Oh,no!!!

When after the practice, I talked with my friend Yoshino about the money. These days, we spent our money without notice. And we noticed, we spent on foods or desserts. I often feel hungry while I am in Sagamihara campus. It cost us a lot!!!!! So now, I manage my money by recording what I bought. Yoshino and I made up my mind we would not buy something to eat and drink!!! We make it a rule to make lunch in our house. However, as soon as we decided that we saw the sign. It says KIKANGENTEI. In English, it means you can buy this goods only now!!!

We shouted each other! "Look at that!!!!" Beard Papa was selling new cream puff!!!!!Beard Papa is a shop which sells cream puff and cake. Today, this shop sells new cream puff, it tastes Maccha, Japanese green tea. We ssid, we must buy!!!! we must eat!!!!!!! Although we made up our mind to save our money and lose our weight, at once we collapsed!!! Oh, noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Until now, at am 3:42, I wrote this blog. These days, since I have a lot of home work, I can not sleep till I finish those. Tomorrow, our club has a plan, BBQ!! I'm so looking forward to that event! Good night.